I love Fashion!
I see these immaculate beings come down the runway with what can only be described as a majestic pairing of couture fashion made only for the runway,...I mean could you imagine me at new client meeting wearing 6" stilettos, 4" earrings and a Prada potato sack?
Not too bad actually!
What I want is to transfer that confidence into my everyday wear. I want to look and feel just like a runway model in clothes that are flattering to my frame and personality!
So How Do You Do It...?
Find What Speaks to You!
Indulge in your Unique Expression of Fashion.
Comfort can be SEXY!!! Forget the 6" heels if your jeopardizing your ability to walk or stand when needed.
Express Your Self! Don't be afraid to incorporate unique items/pieces that help tell your story..., remember Fashion is an accessory!
Choose What Makes YOU Happy! True #Confidence is reflected in how we feel!